Pantest - Recon-ng scanning for XSS vulnerabilities
If you run kaillinux 2.0 default install recon-ng. This tool is a good scanning tool that can acquire multiple pieces of information about the target you want to attack.
The tool can be run simply from the CLI via the command recon-ng.
An important part of Recon-NG is the use of extension modules. Commands can be verified through the show moudles command.
show moudles
Then you can see the extension modules available in Recon-ng as shown below. Here, we will use the XSS module.
use recon/domains-vulnerabilities/xssposed
Let’s check the basic information first.
show info
The important part here is that you need to specify the source site to check.
Let’s go over the that I run.
I do not see the XSS reported on my site.
So let’s check if XSS has been reported for famous sites. You can see there are a number of XSS reports here.
You know that this report is based on the openbugbounty site, you can go to the site and see the XSS report information.